Study in Pakistan

Study in Pakistan

Pakistan has 2,45,578 institutions (primary schools to university) with 3,09,04,000+ students. There are over 150 recognized universities and degree-awarding institutes (DAIs) split between private and public sector. In Pakistan, students will have opportunity to experience both modernity and tradition. Students are coming from all over the world to study in Pakistan. The quality of the education and teaching staff at Pakistani Universities offers a world of opportunities to get the skills one will need to compete in the global market. Degrees granted by Pakistani Universities are recognized around the world and offers opportunities to students to continue their education in international universities globally

After 2001 while University Grants Commission was restructured and renamed as Higher Education Commission (HEC), the higher education in Pakistan experienced a dramatic change and progress. HEC revised previous policies to make the educational system of Pakistan comparable to the international standards. The commission has conceived and implemented a number of programs for promotion and development of higher education in the country.

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